Visual and UI design for a test Stumptown app. The goal was to develop a simple app that we could develop quickly and test the engagement of check-ins tied to purchase incentives. Free coffee was given to each test subject for a week and we just asked to have them to have notifications on, and to check in every time they entered a Stumptown. The app was deployed on TestFlight.
App sign up needed to be quick and required just an email and password, core functionality was available without adding a payment method. 
Check-in was designed to be more visually fun to get more people to remember to check in. 
Standard cart pattern design with the cup colors matching the colors of the bags of beans. 
A timer needed to be accurate for a feeling of trustworthiness, so it was initiated by the barista on their P.O.S. device. 
P.O.S. iPad App for the baristas, where most of the UI and typography has been increased in size. 

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